Mobile Phone/Electronic Devices Policy

This policy outlines the appropriate use of mobile phones, and other electronic smart devices in our school.



The possession and use of mobile phones and smart devices, e.g. wearables and smartwatches by school pupils is now extensive, even in the primary school sector. Our core business of teaching and learning needs to be conducted in an environment free from unnecessary distractions or disruptions. Mobile phones, smartwatches and personal devices can be used to cause discipline problems or as a means of bullying others. The capacity of many devices to take photographs, make video or sound recordings could lead to child protection and data protection issues with regard to inappropriate capture, use or distribution of images. In order to manage the issue of mobile phones, and other personal devices, this policy has been developed.

Relationship to Our School Ethos

The use of personal mobile/smart phones and other electronic devices contravenes the provision of a safe and secure school environment, a provision that is central to the mission statement and ethos of St. Vincent’s Primary School.


  • To inform all members of our school community about the appropriate use of mobile phones at our school.
  • To outline the procedures and processes of this policy.

The school’s Board of Management accepts that it is not realistic to have a policy, which prohibits pupils from taking phones to school.   We are aware that a number of parents would be concerned, for health and safety reasons, if their child could not carry a phone at all (and might be unable to contact their parents in respect of any situation that might arise outside of school or on the way to and from school).

However, it is the Board’s policy to prohibit the use by pupils of mobile phones, smartwatches and electronic devices while on the school premises, grounds or off site activities e.g. school swimming, school trips. For this reason, the school strongly discourages the bringing of these devices to school by students unless deemed absolutely necessary by parents/guardians.

It should be noted that it is a criminal offence to use a mobile phone/personal device to menace, harass or offend another person. As such, in these instances, the School may consider it appropriate to involve the Gardaí.

School Procedures

  • The use of personal mobile/smart phones and other personal devices by children who attend the school is not allowed while the children are in the care of the school staff, while at school, in the school yard, on trips from the school or involved in extra-curricular activities. The children should, therefore, not bring mobile phones and other personal devices to school or when engaging in school-related activities. 
  • Mobile/Smart phones and other personal devices that are found in the school will be handed into the School Office by the intervening staff member.
  • Use of these devices for the recording of pupils or staff members will be deemed a serious or gross misbehavior (as per our Code of Positive Behaviour) and will receive the warranted sanction as a result
  • Children who need to contact home during school hours may do so only through the School Office with the permission of their class teacher.
  • Parents are reminded that in cases of emergency, the School Office remains the first point of contact and can ensure that your child is reached quickly and a message passed onto them. You can contact the school via telephone on 018302328 or email:  Please do not contact your child directly while they are in school on a mobile device.
  • Staff are permitted to use their phones for school-related business only or for emergencies. Staff should not use their phones for personal reasons during teacher-pupil contact time.  All staff contact with parents will be through Aladdin, the homework journal or through the school office. Should a teacher require to call a parent, they are advised to use the school line. Should they require to contact on their own device they are advised to block their mobile number prior to calling.

In the event that a parent thinks that their child having a phone/smartwatch in school is essential, the following will apply:

  • Parents must send the Principal a letter requesting that their child be permitted to bring his mobile phone/device to school. The letter should be addressed to the Principal. This letter will be kept on file. This is an annual process of application.
  • The phone/device must be turned off at all times throughout the school day and stored in the pupil’s bag. St. Vincent’s Primary school accepts no liability for phones lost/stolen/damaged.
  • The School will not be liable for replacing mobile phones or other devices that are lost, stolen or damaged. All devices are brought to school at the owner’s risk. i.e. the parent of the child.


  • Any child found to have a phone/personal devices in school without parental letter on file will have the phone/device confiscated. The phone will not be returned until a parent/guardian requests the return of the phone in writing from the BOM. Similarly, the use of all personal, electronic devices is not permitted during the school day – this includes arrival, class time, breaks and dismissal. Phones/devices will not be returned to children should a parent call the school asking us to do so. This will require a parent to call in to the office to collect the item.
  • Where a pupil is found to be using a mobile phone or other personal device for any purpose, it will be confiscated from the pupil and returned only to their parent/guardian after an agreed period of time.

E.g.              1st offence – overnight

                    2nd offence – 3 days

3rd offence – Parent must send written request to reclaim phone to BOM and removal of permission to have phone

  • If a pupil uses a mobile phone or personal device to take photographs, video footage or recording of other pupils or staff members, or shares inappropriate messages disciplinary action will be taken in accordance with the School’s Code of Positive Behaviour.
  • If a member of staff has any suspicion that a mobile phone has unsuitable material stored on it, students will be required to hand over the phone for further investigation. Where there is a suspicion that the material on the mobile may provide evidence relating to a criminal offence the phone will be handed over to the Gardaí. Parents will be informed in such circumstances.

School Trips and Outings

Students are not permitted to bring mobile phones and other personal devices with them on school trips and tours. Teachers will contact parents via Aladdin App/Phone if it is necessary to make contact with a parent/guardian.

A copy of the Mobile Phone and Devices Policy is made available to school personnel and to the Parents’ Council. The policy is readily accessible to parents on request.

A copy of this Policy is also published on the school website.


Review of Mobile Devices Policy

This policy was ratified by the Board of Management on   


Last Reviewed:       __________________________                   

Next Review:          __________________________

Signed:                  __________________________                   

Date :                    __________________________

Chairperson of the Board of Management

Signed:                  __________________________                   

Date :                    __________________________
